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The start of an incomplete sentence can leave readers feeling confused, wondering what the writer meant to convey. It can disrupt the flow of a paragraph or conversation, leaving the reader or listener hanging without a clear understanding of the message.

When a sentence is left incomplete, it can also create ambiguity and misinterpretation of the intended meaning. Without the full context provided by a complete sentence, it can be challenging for the reader to grasp the writer’s thoughts or ideas accurately.

To avoid confusion and ensure clear communication, it is important to always finish your sentences and provide the necessary information for your audience to understand your message fully. By completing your sentences, you help maintain the coherence of your writing and make it easier for readers to follow along.

In conclusion, the start of an incomplete sentence can disrupt the flow of communication and lead to confusion and misunderstanding. By always finishing your sentences and providing the necessary context, you can ensure clarity and coherence in your writing.